Navigation is the art and science of determining one’s position so as to safely travel to a desired destination. Different techniques have evolved over the ages in different cultures, but all involve locating one’s position compared to known locations or patterns.


We offers custom-built GIS Navigation data for private and public organizations. Organizations for Police, Fire, and EMS Departments to telecommunications, real estate, insurance and utility companies use client data in their GIS applications to help save lives or increase business. Our client leverages its archive of U.S. parcels, satellite and aerial imagery, tax assessor information and a host of other location-based datasets to provide custom-built street networks and Address points combined with industry-specific data in a singular map file.

  • Working Street Centre Line.
  • Working Address point.
  • Working MSAG database.
  • Reference data Like- Ortho imagery, Street Centre line, Address points, city boundary, Authority map, Grid boundary etc.
  • Customize tools and applications.

This was full development of application based on GIS and involved the following:

  • Web based development of system for assets management.
  • Web based management of of road maintenance.
  • Web based management of project and.
  • Web based development of Drawing document management.
  • Linked the web based system with Project management tool like Primavera.

The project include mapping, populating assets and then building full report management include Query system and data.