Land management and land planning requires a knowledge of the current state of the landscape. Understanding current land cover and how it is being used, along with an accurate means of monitoring change over time, is vital to any person responsible for land management. Measuring current conditions and how they are changing can be easily achieved through land cover mapping, a process that quantifies current land resources into a series of thematic categories, such as forest, water, and paved surfaces. By using remotely sensed imagery and semi-automated classification methods, it’s provide cost-effective and accurate means to derive land resource information and maintain its currency into the future.



Parcel or Cadastral mapping is one of the basic widespread usages of Geographic Information System (GIS). The benefit of a parcel or cadastral map is that it allows for easy identification of where a property is located relative to public ways and adjacent properties or landbase features. Depending on the need, the detailing and accuracy of the data is defined.

For planners, assessors, and engineers it provides an informative aid in the evaluation of proposed subdivision, compliance to local zoning, expansion of municipal or city utilities, and as a tool for managing the tax assessment process. It can further be used in Location Based navigation applications like point to point routing, locating points of interest, neighborhood applications etc.

  • Landuse mapping using Satellite imagery, Toposheets and ground surveys.
  • Digitizing parcels and condominiums extents as polygons or points.
  • Attaching and validating attribute information associated with parcels.
  • Creating a seamless parcel database for a county, city, state etc.
  • Realigning parcels datasets on high resolution aerial photographs or Ortho imagery.
  • Integration of other land related database with parcel map dataset.

GIS techniques aid greatly in natural resources management and sustainable exploitation of natural resources. Some of the applications are:

  • Landuse/Landcover mapping using satellite data.
  • Vegetation mapping with emphasis on bio-diversity, biomass, species diversity, crown cover density etc.
  • Drainage Pattern of the area.
  • Soil mapping.
  • Forestry mapping.
  • Watershed Prioritization for treatment purposes.
  • Landslide zonation and mapping of vulnerable areas.
  • Socio-economic parameters in watershed management.
  • Flood plain mapping.
  • Wetlands Management.
  • Coastal Zone Mapping.
  • Site Selection for solid waste management.