LIDAR or Light Detection and Ranging technology involves a scanning and ranging laser system that produces pinpoint accurate, high-resolution topographic maps. Today, the entire process of airborne laser mapping is highly automated, from flight planning, to data acquisition and the generation of digital terrain models.

GTS Team is adept at understanding and utilizing new technologies, specifically LIDAR or Laser point processing and visualization software. We also have our own built application for LiDAR classification. Our knowledge base covers the following areas:

  • LiDAR Application Knowledge.
  • LiDAR XLR8R version 3.0 LiDAR.
  • QCoherent Software’s LP360 LIDAR.
  • MARS from Merrick.
  • Terra Modeler and Terrascan-Terrapoint.
  • LIDAR 1 from Geocue.



Initial output is in generic ASCII X, Y, Z data format, in WGS84. This data is typically converted according to the clients’ needs with respect to datum and coordinate systems.

  • Detection and removal of noise and outlying points.
  • Generation of digital elevation models and contours derived.
  • Generation of elevation profiles, Digital Surface Models (DSM) and Digital Terrain Models (DTM) as raster, TIN, contour or slope models.
  • Advanced detection and extraction of buildings, features, specific model generation.
  • Surface and land use classification, characterization.
  • 3D model generation of features
  • Integrated with Photogrammetric applications: Planimetric compilation, break line compilation, automatic contour generation, and Orthophoto and GIS visualization.